
Maternity Clothes

It's funny how I have justified so many of my purchases over the past year as "oh I could totally wear this when I get pregnant" and have come to find out that they just don't look the same and I totally don't feel like wearing them anymore... Now that I actually am pregnant, maternity clothes just don't appeal to me and many of them look just to "maternity-ish" (if that makes any sense) until now... I have found the coolest line of maternity clothes... ASOS , a London based company that carries quite the collection of maternity everything and anything... The best part is the price tags are very reasonable BUT I'm probably going to spend a fortune on shipping... European sizing + being pregnant and not completely knowing my new digits quite yet should make for an interesting start :)


1st Anniversary

Happy 1st Anniversary to the love of my life!
What an amazing year it's been and excited for all the many wonderful years ahead!

Same chalk board, different years

Time to eat cake...


Newest addition to my wardrobe

I'm in a very awkward stage of pregnancy right now... my regular clothes are too tight and no longer fit but I'm not quite ready for maternity pants. A few weeks ago I bought a Tummy Tube and finally had to pull it out today ... have to admit, it was really comfortable... The trick is to find tops long enough to cover it! Looks like the TT is going to be my new friend for the next couple month's!



Welcome to the world Elsie Borgia!

Elizabeth Anne Borgia, Born 05.07.10 at 7:09pm weighing 8 lbs and measuring 20.5 inches long!

Suzanne and I met our first day at Pi Beta Phi in 1999, became the best of friends instantly and have remained that way since... were in each others weddings and now I feel honored to have been there for the birth of her first beautiful baby Elsie. Looking forward to many more of these memories in the future! So happy for the new Borgia family of 3!

Me with Sue & Elsie (1 day old)

I'm a proud Aunt Katie


I gotta feelin...

Fingers crossed that this is the start of something new because today is the first day I can honestly say I FEEL GREAT! I just want to yell it from the rooftop!
Just got home from prenatal Yoga and Kyle had to snag a picture of me because he says I officially look pregnant!
Here's my first belly pic... 13 weeks & 2 days


13 weeks and counting

We had our 12 week appointment yesterday (measuring exactly 13 weeks) and the little butter bean was Camera SHY!!! We sat there with the Ultrasound Tech for almost 15 minutes poking rubbing and there was movement but would not flip over to see us! She had me try to use the restroom to get the babe moving around but we came back and tried for another 10 minutes and nothing! We got lot's of waves and kicks but just in the wrong direction. The Tech was able to get all the necessary measurements she needed and things looked great, heard the ever so sweet sound of the heartbeat which is the best reassurance of all!

Then we went and met with the Dr who said everything looked and sounded great, he wanted to hear the heartbeat himself and said he thinks it sounds like a little boy in there... We shall see in about 8 more weeks :)

Lost some more weight but didn't seem to worry the dr so apparently all the junk food isn't getting to me that much!

Today is cinco de mayo... we are having people over to celebrate Suzy's new baby whom we are patiently waiting to arrive (due date is May 10)... hopefully we can get things moving and have some action tonight with the spicy mexican food!


1st Trimester... 2 more weeks to go!

What a past 3 months it's been... but soo worth it!

Started out feeling great, week 7 hits and BAM... sick as a dog for 3 solid weeks, get a case of the flu in the midst of it all, lost weight and completely freaked the you know what out! So then I get tricked... feel great one day and the next day it's baaaaack... This goes on for a couple weeks and although the sick days are farther and fewer between now we begin the headaches.

I can't stand the sight of meat except for a cheeseburger or wendy chicken nuggets, vegetables are tough to get down and fruits are getting better. I feel like all I want is junk food...poor little junk food baby!

We go in for our 12 week appointment on tuesday and can't wait to see our little Lemon!