
Ritmo Baby

Aunt Lauren sent baby Linogon a Ritmo and he loves it... look closely and you can see him dancing away!
PS.. Please excuse my ugly belly button!


Memories and Change

In life and especially with a new baby on the way comes change. Change is not always good or bad, it just brings a bit of unknown. I know that we are about to be filled with more love than imaginable and that we are preparing for a new life ahead of us but it's a bit emotional (or maybe I am just completely hormonal) to think of all that that we have been through and all that is about to change!
Yesterday, as I packed our final box a lot came to my mind...
Kyle first purchased our home in 2004, fixed it up and made it ours. Over the years I've griped and complained, but about what?? As it empties out I can't help but think of all the memories that started in an ugly yellow cement block house but into something of our own... Dating, engagement, marriage, dogs, dinner parties, dance parties, floods, cars, roommates, neighbors and the list goes on. Some memories I wish to forget and some I wish I could relive over and over again.
I'm sure our next house and this new chapter in our life will be the best yet! The biggest change will be that no longer will it be about Kyle and I but baby too and now we will have him to share in this journey with. Here's to a great new start and many many new memories and changes!

House then
House now
New Years Eve
Baby Harley
Engagement Night