

Someone finally decided to roll over, I knew you could do it all along!

{Hagen - 7 months & 1 day}


hjl - 7 months!

WEIGHT: 23lbs
DIAPER: size 3 
CLOTHING: 12 months, some 12-18 months
EAT: about 4 bottles a day (6 oz) & 3 meals a day, breakfast, lunch & dinner
SLEEP: 2- 3 naps, and to bed about 8 until 6:30ish. Still a great sleeper!
LIKES: baba's, doggies, books, chewing on ANYTHING you can get your hands on, your green monkey
MOM & DAD: like to make you giggle and play peek a boo!

Doodle, I mean Hagen (Doodle is your nickname and your Nana is worried you are going to think that is your name if we don't stop)... Wow... THIS.  IS.  FUN!! You are amazing us every single day, every single hour and moment with something new! It's unreal how quick you catch on to something! You have found your voice and love for all to hear... your dad thinks you scream like a girl but I sort of love it and babble back a little high pitch noise (shocker) to get you to do it some more;) Big milestones this month! You are officially a sitter... you can sit unattended for long periods of time... this has opened up a whole new world for you in terms of playtime. You WAVE, you put your little right hand up by your ear and wave it up and down.  You wave to the juice box person on sprout every morning (yes we let you watch about 30 minutes of tv while we get ready and you really REALLY love it), you wave at the doggies, lo lo, dada and momma.  You wave at the car, the sky, you just love to wave.  You are starting to get VERY shy with people you don't know, although you warm up to some, others you just look up at, then quickly bury your head in my shoulders and give a little pout of your bottom lip!  This month you went to the beach (at the Sandpearl where mommy and daddy got married) for the first time and wasn't too fond of the sand, liked (did not love) the water in the pool and enjoyed nice long walks in the bjorn every morning watching the birds fly and the waves roll in and out.  You also spoiled your mommy with your adorableness on my first mothers day.  Honestly was a day that I will forever cherish and never forget especially since it was the first day you ever waved... video...  We went to Ponte Vedra to visit Mommy and Daddy's friends Manne, Josh and their doggie Miss Millers.  This was the weekend that we realized you do not cry, you RARELY fuss and you are SUCH an easy going baby! You will go anywhere, anytime and just smile and be so happy where you are :)  You went to your first baseball game to watch your Uncle Jackson play in a baseball tournament.  They won and you baby H were a hoot... guess you haven't been around too much hooting and hollering because every time someone cheered or yelled you would start screaming crying, it was instantaneous.  So pitiful but so very cute at the same time! You still have an absolute ball in your jumparoo but now is the time I'm going to need to you stop growing, we are on the highest height adjustment.  You are such a big boy and NO ONE can believe you are only 7 months old! I love every ounce and roll that consumes that little body of yours so keep it up, we will find you another toy if need be!  Hagen like I say time and time again there is no greater love than the love that your daddy and I have for you! You are a shining light and a ball of happiness and immense energy! We love you more than life itself and can't wait to see what new trick you have in store for us tomorrow! Love you so much baby boy!
Love Love Love,


beach baby

Between mother's day weekend at the Sand Pearl in Clearwater Beach (where Mommy & Daddy got married) and visiting Aunt Manne & Uncle Josh in Ponte Vedra this past weekend... you are a beach lovin' baby... until I put your feet in the sand!  So far you're not too fond of the grass & sand feel :)


off the charts!

It's official, your weight and height are OFF THE CHARTS!
At 27 weeks you are 22lb, 13 oz & 29" long
Watch out NFL draft 2035!

Hagen James Linogon - 27 weeks - 6 month check up
{iPhone Picture & not smiling}


oh baby, the places you'll go...

"Congratulations, today is your day, your off to new places, your off and away"... to level 2 at gymboree!  Today Hagen graduated at gymboree from his infant class... He got to ride in a decorated wagon as he left the infant room parade style, music playing with diploma and a graduation "gymbo" in hand!

Congrats punkin!